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+7 (499) 397-01-18  +7 (926) 618 20 30

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Looking for a job?

+7 (499) 397-01-18  +7 (926) 618 20 30

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Discount up to 40% in the mode of sanctions restrictions

Completing the staff services

The international recruiting agency MainStaff renders completing the staff services to the companies which are carrying out the activity in various spheres of business.

MainStaff will recruit necessary quantity of experts of all levels and trades for clients, beginning from servicing personnel to the managing staff.

We will organise search and selection of the personnel for the industrial enterprises, retailers, banks, engineering, development, consulting, investment and insurance companies, the call-centres, dealer network.

Practical experience shows completing the staff encroach upon many time and money. Thus the companies always bear risks on quality of the involved personnel and cannot take advantage of guarantees on replacement of staff.

The international recruiting agency MainStaff has developed unique system on mass selection of candidates of various specialties that allows completing the staff for deadlines. We offer individual projects to clients with acceptable price.

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